Monday 13 August 2012

Staying Safe - A New By Us For Us Guide - In development!

Safety is important for everyone but staying safe becomes even more important for a person living with dementia as the disease progresses.  Changes in the brain and body, either due to dementia or other factors (e.g., aging or secondary illnesses or conditions) can really impact a person's safety and well-being. 

MAREP is pleased to announce a new By Us For Us Guide in the Partnership Series (guides written by both persons living with dementia and partners in care) is in development! The By Us For Us© Guides are a series of guides created by a group of talented and passionate persons with dementia and/or partners in care. The guides are designed to equip persons with dementia and/or family partners in care with the necessary tools to enhance their well being and manage daily challenges. What makes these guides particularly useful is that they are created By persons with dementia and/or partners in care, For persons with dementia and/or partners in care.

If you are a person living with dementia or a family partner in care, please feel free to share with us any tips and strategies that you use to ensure that you or the person you are supporting are less at risk of injury and feeling safe.  Contact us at 

Please also check out our Living With Dementia - Resources for Living Well website ( for some current information and resources around safety. 

Wednesday 8 August 2012

People with dementia are not 'shadows' of their old self

MAREP has been advocating for years against harmful stereotypes that portray or describe persons with dementia as shadows of their old self. This article, written by a woman whose husband is living with dementia, speaks up about this issue:

Naomi Feil Validation Method

This video clip is amazing! Naomi Feil, the developer of the 'Validation' method, demonstrates the abilities and personhood of people with dementia, particularly persons labelled as 'non-verbal'. We can all learn a lot about how to interact with others from this emotional and inspirational clip.

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